SEEDS scholarship

Thứ ba - 07/05/2019 00:38
SEEDS scholarship

In scholar year 2018-2019, we have thirteen students selected to get SEEDs scholarship.
List of students got Seeds scholarship

Here is some information about SEEDs (Scholarship to Elevate Education & Develop Skills (SEEDS))
SEEDS provides educational opportunities for talented disadvantaged students in rural areas of Central Provinces to equip them with essential life skills, help guide them towards a career choice and expand job opportunities. SEEDS aims to create a high qualified labor force for local communities and Vietnam in the near future.


SEEDS currently operates in 9 provinces throughout Central Vietnam. Since 2017, 2170 students have received scholarships (1,834 middle and high school students and 336 university students).


Average cost to provide one-year scholarship to:

> Middle school student: $250 USD

> High school student (in average): $400 USD

> University student: $1,000 USD


Contact us

Chu Van An Binh Dinh High school for Gifted student
Address: Bong Son ward, Hoai Nhon town, Binh Dinh province, Vietnam
Phone: +84 969 156 825

 Tags: hocbong

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