UNESCO adopts commemoration of celebrity Chu Van An’s death

Chủ nhật - 05/05/2019 04:01
UNESCO has approved a proposal by Vietnam to commemorate the 650th anniversary of the death of renowned teacher Chu Van An next year.
A statue of Chu Van An is seen at the Temple of Literature in Hanoi
A statue of Chu Van An is seen at the Temple of Literature in Hanoi

Vietnam’s application, along with 48 of 71 other dossiers submitted by 41 countries, was approved at UNESCO’s Executive Board Meeting in Paris, France, on Wednesday.

UNESCO has since 1954 annually published a list to honor great personalities and events of all member nations in fields of education, culture and science. Chu Van An and 48 other personalities from 41 countries are selected for this year’s list.

Chu Van An (1292 – 1370) is a genius teacher who devoted all his life to the education career and had a great influence on Vietnamese people throughout generations for his humane philosophy.

His thoughts not only affected many generations of Vietnamese but also contributed to the development of humanistic values in the region, according to the Vietnam News Agency.

His educational perspective has progressive values, close to the modern values that UNESCO summarized as “learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learn to be humans”.

UNESCO will honor and commemorate the 650th death anniversary of Chu Van An in 2020.

Nguồn tin: Tuoi Tre News

 Tags: chuvanan, english

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