About us

Chu Van An Binh Dinh High school for Gifted student (Vietnamese: Trường Trung học phổ thông chuyên Chu Văn An Bình Định) is a highly selective high school in Bình Định Province, Vietnam. This is the second gifted high school in Bình Định Province.

Established in 2016, the school is one of the youngest high schools still operating in Vietnam. Like other specialized schools nationwide in Vietnam, the school offers advanced and specialized curriculum for gifted students who show their exceptional talents in the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities.


As a highly selective public high school, admission into Chu Van An Binh Dinh High school for Gifted student is granted through a rigorous application process with entrance exams. The application process comprises two rounds:
- Round 1: Screening based on secondary school records (academic and attitude/aptitude) Round 2: Entrance exam for students who pass Round 1.
- Round 2, students sit for exams in Mathematics, Literature, English, and must write a paper on one of the major subjects offered in school. The major subjects are Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Literature, English, and Informatics.


In 2018, the school has 7 staff and 24 teachers. These teachers are well-versed in their teaching and have extensive experience in teaching, actively contributing to the school's activities, training generations of excellent students for the City and Country. The dynamic and creative young teachers have great potential to take part in teaching profession and fostering good students effectively.

School establishment decision



Chu Van An Binh Dinh High school for Gifted student
Address: Bong Son ward, Hoai Nhon town, Binh Dinh province, Vietnam
Phone: +84 969 156 825
Email: ad@thptccva.edu.vn
Website: thptccva.edu.vn

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  • Hôm nay197,820
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